Cannot swap DEGO to BNB

Hi, I’m trying to swap DEGO with BNB but the button is disabled and I there’s no error etc. to understand why.
It didn’t allow me to upload photos so here’s the link to it: IMG-CC7-A3-F8-F52-E6-11 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
Can you please help me how I can swap my DEGO with BNB?
Thank you


@nerdogan If there isn’t a swap button, the route may not be available.
You can try using a 3rd party app in the dApp browser to swap e.g. Pancakeswap.


thank you for the tip @Tobi ! Uniswap doesn’t allow it, tried with Pancakeswap but the rate they have is around 1/1000 of the value…
I tried sending to Binance as well but it never arrives to the wallet although the transaction is successful and address is correct. Do you know how I can send DEGO to Binance from Trust Wallet?


@nerdogan Did you check to see if it’s the same token Binance supports ?


well I see DEGOV2 on BSC network in Binance which looks like this:
ibb dot co/74ddsxn (sorry it didnt allow me to add the link)

And in Trust Wallet, it shows as DEGO in BSC network. I’ve seen there was a V2 transition at some point but I don’t see any indicator in Trust Wallet whether these two are the same… How can I check and confirm?

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@nerdogan Since it says V2, then most likely the token could have migrated to a new contract.
It would be best to contact the DEGO team regarding this.

Guys, after swapping my eth to btc++, funds disappear, i see a smart contract call to a wallet I didnt send, how can I get my funds back into ETH?

@Amserdam21 Can you provide the transaction hash

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Thisis the id hash : 0x718db6a94cd8e8229773512cac9baf6c371a77d5571de0cf4fa21cb6258ac241

@Amserdam21 Can you please check your BTC address on the blockchain explorer to see if you received

This is the problem, i have just swapped ETH To BTC++ and I lost my funds. I didnt transfer anything…
Hash ID : 0x174eacfcd68210858523770f14fd258c046f43652ec6861154909ac42eb86bea

@Amserdam21 You received your token already.

sir please help me me can not swap my money on my wallet or pankackeswap finance please help me all time this error

Unknown error: “execution reverted”. Try increasing your slippage tolerance.