Cannot Swap USDT (Bsc) to BNB (Bsc) for transaction fees, need help

I have transferred about 15usdt in Bep20 in my trust wallet and cannot swap them to pay transaction fees, which amounts to 0.3 usdt,is there a way to get some BNB for transaction fees by swapping some of my usdt?

thanks for your help guys


@issa.bayou You can deposit BNB from an exchange to your Trust app but you’d not be able to swap your already existing USDT in your Trust wallet if you do not have the BNB for fees.


Thanks Tobi for your kind replay, the issue is that i have transfered all from binance to my trust wallet yet i hvae in binance abou 0.3 but cannot transfer to my wallet due to amount limitations in binance, so im a bit stuck,


@issa.bayou If there is a limit from Binance, there is nothing that Trust wallet can do since it’s an issue with Binance.