Can't swap or sell or transfer!

Hey all!!! So just wondering if anybody might be able to help me out a little or point me in the right direction lol… Everytime I try and swap transfer or sell my crypto it keeps telling me “route not available” these tokens are not paired??? I’ve looked several times and have only ever tried to swap with tokens I know, and are on the corresponding network!!! Im confused and would greatly appreciate any guidance in solving this problem!!! T.I.A your guys help would be greatly appreciated!!

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@Itaintezy Route not available means you can’t make the swap at that time, you can try again or swap to another pair.

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I have been trying daily with all different pairs that are supported, this has been an issue going on since Dec.28 and I still have not had any success… Is there anything else I can do @Tobi ?? I appreciate your assistance and response time is awesome :sunglasses::100:

@Itaintezy I would suggest doing your research on a dApp (an example is Pancakeswap for BEP20 token swaps) you can use to make the swap if the in app swap option doesn’t work.

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So I’m going through Pancake to swap my T99 but when I go to swap it I select max amount and what it is giving me in cost on pancake swap is a very considerable difference… Like $59975. Difference. It seems like the balance of the same token on pancake swap when I go to swap to USDT it only is going to give me $24 for my 4mill T99??? Why does it seem like the token has different values between pancake and my trust wallet??

@Itaintezy You should probably check the price on coinmarketcap and do some research on the price.