Cant unstake cosmos

I am having issues unstaking cosmos is there a person available to solve this issue for me?

Please make sure you have updated your app.
From the Cosmos (ATOM) Wallet, tap on More to access the Stake Menu.
Tap on Unstake.

If you are still having issues, please provide the following details:

  1. Trust Wallet app version.
  2. Cosmos Address
  3. Transaction ID (if you have any)

For your information, lock time for Cosmos is 21 after you unstake

Can’t unstake my Cosmos. Keeps saying I have insufficient ATOM balance but this is not true.

Version 1.9.29

You do not have available ATOM to submit transactions.
At least 0.001 ATOM is required.
All your ATOM on that address has been staked and locked.
Please make sure you are aware of the requirements in staking.
In order to get you going we will send some ATOM so that you can claim your rewards.
After claiming the reward, you should have enough fees to start unstaking your ATOM.

I did not realize it cost to unstake. Thanks for sending that and allowing me to do so.

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Hi good day… cosmos1774w2266l8aa4gtlwknlms8e3wnycwxveq6kvp I cant unstake my cosmos its been 21 days since i’ve staken it… what should i do? It prompts that i dont have atoms to pay for the fees but in my cosmos wallet i have 18.099 atoms… hope you could help… newbie here

See response here:

No need to keep posting the same question on multiple threads.