Changed Contract address

I bought Pissing Cat (PEET) coin contract address 0x887Cb01eAEAd4946c4dB1a5d357b60A1eAFc7A16. on Pancake Swap on December 21, 2021.
Recently, I want to proceed with a transaction through a pancake swap. Pissing Cat’s transaction address is 0x6C4bbAc8EF38609421927b19586353423d33c80e
found out about the change. Modify the content in your company through other users
I confirmed that it was given.
please check.

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@Daewoo we don’t change token details by ourselves, that’s the project team responsibility. If they change token details, they have to submit new token details to Trust wallet GitHub PR.
Forward them this link for instructions on how to update token details: How to Add the Token Information