Code 200 - cannot move my NTRN token. Please help

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with my NTRN Token.

I try to move it to another wallet but I got a issue message. Code 200

I already tried everything, can the support please help me.

Version 10.4 (846)


Many many thanks for Supporting


@Lextor Will report this internally
I’d ask that you do not spam the forum also


Hello Tobi,
Many thanks for your reply. I hope we can solve it somehow. I will wait for your advice.
Best regards

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@Lextor This issue with neutron will be solved in the next app update.
Please be on the lookout.

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Hi tobi, i have the 10.5 version but the same problem. Please can we help us?

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@Emmabonny Can you please explain what the issue is?

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I am having the same problem, please help!
I have attached screenshot to the problem.
in details, my phone is Samsung, android version and my trustwallet version is: 8.5.3
I want to withdraw my NTRN from trustwallet and it shows the following:

Transaction error
Insufficient fees; got: 57353untrn required: 2295ibc/ C4CFF46FD6DE35CA4CF4CE031E643C8FDC9BA4B99AE5
F082B65C88E4B6D5EF1DB243CDA1 D331 D002759E938A OF5CD3FFDC5D53B3E349,64235untrn: insufficient fee

knowing that I have extra NTRN in my wallet to cover the fees.


@Eskandar1 Can you please provide your receiving address.

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Was waiting for your reply! thank you!

I want to send my NTRN from my trust wallet to this address

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@Eskandar1 I mean your receiving address.
Please attach a screenshot of the error also.

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This is my address on trustwallet

and I want to withdraw it to this address

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@Eskandar1 Can you make a recording of the error and attach here via a google drive link please.
I’ll advise you try sending out different amounts in the recording so the root cause could be understood.

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