Coinbase Pay: Frequently Asked Questions for Trust Wallet Users

What is Coinbase Pay?

Coinbase Pay is a seamless fiat-to-crypto solution that lets Coinbase users purchase or transfer crypto directly from a web3 app, such as a self-custody wallet, DEX, or NFT marketplace. With Coinbase Pay, you can easily transfer crypto from Coinbase to your Trust Wallet using an existing crypto balance or a fiat payment method.

Do I need a Coinbase Account to use Coinbase Pay?

Yes, you need a Coinbase exchange account to use Coinbase Pay. You can download the Coinbase app directly from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

How do I deposit crypto from Coinbase to my Trust Wallet using Coinbase Pay?

To deposit crypto to Trust Wallet using Coinbase Pay, start by choosing the asset you want to deposit from within your Trust Wallet, then choose the Coinbase Pay option.

Step 1: Select “Receive” from the main page of your Trust Wallet mobile app.

Step 2: Select the asset you want to deposit from Coinbase.

Step 3: Choose the “Deposit from exchange” option.

Step 4: Choose “Coinbase Pay”.

From here, you’ll complete your transfer directly on the Coinbase platform.

For a comprehensive guide of the entire process, please view the following guide:

How to deposit crypto from Coinbase to Trust Wallet using Coinbase Pay

Is Coinbase Pay supported on all devices?

Coinbase pay is currently available for Apple iOS devices and Android devices.

Do I need to authenticate the connection between Coinbase and Trust Wallet every time I make a deposit?

If it’s your first time making a transfer to Trust Wallet using Coinbase Pay, you’ll need to authenticate the connection. You won’t be required to log in and authenticate again after the first use.

How many cryptocurrencies are supported by Coinbase Pay?

Coinbase Pay supports 200+ cryptocurrencies and 60+ fiat currencies. Coinbase Pay also supports all payment methods available via Coinbase, including debit cards and bank transfers.

I can’t find an option in my Coinbase account to deposit crypto to Trust Wallet via Coinbase Pay

Please note that when you deposit crypto to Trust Wallet using Coinbase Pay, you will need to initiate the transfer process directly from your Trust Wallet. This will direct you to your Coinbase exchange account where you will complete the transfer.

Do I pay service fees when depositing crypto to Trust Wallet via Coinbase Pay?

Coinbase Pay is free to use from within Trust Wallet for crypto deposits, however, when completing the transfer on Coinbase, there are blockchain network fees that are not under the control of Trust Wallet or Coinbase. These network fees go to network participants who process transactions and are not paid to Coinbase or Trust Wallet.

Can I send the crypto I hold inside my Trust Wallet over to my exchange account using Coinbase Pay?

At this time you can deposit crypto from Coinbase to Trust Wallet using Coinbase Pay, however, you cannot yet send crypto you hold in the wallet to the exchange using these integrations. At Trust Wallet we are continually working on new features, so follow us on Twitter for updates @TrustWallet.

Can I use Coinbase Pay to buy crypto directly within Trust Wallet?

Currently, Coinbase Pay is used for crypto transfers to your Trust Wallet. You can use an existing balance you hold on Coinbase or a fiat payment method to take advantage of seamless fiat-to-crypto deposits. If you would like to buy crypto directly from within Trust Wallet using a fiat payment method, please use these instructions or reach out to our support team if you have any future questions.

Are transactions reversible?

Transfers to Trust Wallet performed with the Coinbase Pay feature are not reversible. We encourage you to always check your transaction details carefully before confirming any transfer of crypto.