Coins not credited

Today i transferred my om coins from binance on bep 20 network. The transaction shows success but my wallet balance is still zero till now i didnt understand what the hell happened to me. Plz help


@Rg372 Do you have a transaction hash?
You can check that or your address on the explorer to see if you received.

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It shows on the explorer but not showing in my wallet it shows on transaction history but not credited to my wallet please help

  • MMC
0 voters

2024-03-22T17:30:00Z→2024-03-23T02:55:00Z :grinning:

*[quote=“aivbs01477, post:4, topic:964603, full:true”]

It shows on the explorer but not showing in my wallet it shows on transaction history but not credited to my wallet please help

Two transactions of TRON from faucetpay.oi to my trust wallet address till now i haven’t seen any in my wallet. I sent the transaction ID to the support team and i will given 2 working days yet nothing it unware

Yes i have the transaction hash and when i check it shows that i have received the coins but in wallet it shows zero balance.

I have deposited 15 project galaxy coins from my trust wallet to my bybit account on 10th March 2024. I used bscscan blockchain mistakenly, but bybit supports erc20 for this coin, Wallet address is right, but blockchain selection is wrong, Transaction is showing successful in trust wallet, but it is not received in my bybit account. Kindly help to get back my 15 project galaxy coins. Thanks
Transaction hash

My funds will show on my wallet and also disappear but asking me to view on explore even when it appears I can’t send saying I don’t have a sol for fee

@amitmishra81 You need to contact the Bybit team regarding your deposit.

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