Due to there upcoming JULSWAP DEX julD token to be distributed, for newbies on the protocol to participate and be eligible you can go hold jul/julb on or before 30th December 2020 9a.m UTC you get 1:1000 of the amount of jul/julb held on or before the date above.
Snapshots are taken already for old jul/julb holders who will received 1:1,500 julD of every jul/julb held before the snapshot either on a decentralized wallet or on a staked pool.
There will be general airdrop coming soon I will keep us posted.
They got everyone covered.
For new users for every jul/julb own you get 1,000 i.e 1:1000
Old users gets 1:1,500
For more update
Click on the link below
Credit: https://link.medium.com/ZB9HJvnczcb![1_byGPR3IpjHaxixUmNpVe3Q|690x345](upload://sAAmy15LVa7ww9Z89py0UEPNmXh.jpeg)
Let’s deliberate on it…