Cosmos ATOM - insufficient fees; got: 1000uatom required: 300atom: insufficient fee (13) Code: 200

I am getting this error. The previous topic is closed, as apparently it eventually just worked for that user, but I am now on day 3 and still getting the same error. I have 7.08 ATOM and no matter how much I try to send; I get the error.

From my understanding, I can’t stake them either but that is irrelevant as I am trying to send.

There is no transaction ID as the transaction fails. Trust Wallet version is 6.18 (540) with no updates available on the Apple App Store. Phone is an Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Please help as this is extremely frustrating.


Hello @Kidder To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)

  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

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I am just trying to send some Cosmo ATOM from one wallet to another. Doesn’t matter if I am sending to Coinbase with a memo or to Keplr wallet without a memo. I get the error in the title and shown in the screenshot. There is no transaction of hash as the send fails with the error.

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@Kidder try to reimport your wallet, here’s guide: How to Re-Import your Wallet

Hello i get the same error, I reimported my wallet and nothing change. I cant sent out my atom too … weird error bug help plz

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Same here. Can’t transfer or unstake my ATOM. Removed and imported my wallet, still can’t. I have ATOM available. Receive the same error as above comments

Version 5.9, cosmos1scak295ur9esfjamuhdwq7fdk4vvyvneu790pk

We’re looking into this issue, could you guys try to kill the app and connect totanother network (WiFi or 4/5G) to send tx again? in just case

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I’ve also got the same issue.
version: 6.18 (540)
wallet address: cosmos12gv5lz7u9n5pcd7ut9lk89y9k7xrmejwndgarl

Same issue here. My app version is 5.9 and my address is cosmos1ur5h5re3g3qa2efhhuak3jsfevp53chpn9mlf2


Killed the app, tried to transact over cell service. Still didn’t work.

Same issue.
Version 6.18. cosmos1fs6aqe68tpnuw8zcg33l2gpwmwrjeqz8p5vn68

I’ve also got the same issue. 6.18 (540). Any news? I tried all the above.

It’s working now; and I’m farming! Thanks for fixing whatever bug was causing this issue!

Hello @Kcmedic2189, @MalenaStrelka, @Cbottonfield, @Pato2022, @Toya3
The issue is resolved now and you should be able to stake or send out now.