Sent ETH but not received - how long will this take to return to wallet? The transaction in Trust Wallet shows sent but not received over 24 hours ago.
Who can help me retrieve / recall this transaction?
Sent ETH but not received - how long will this take to return to wallet? The transaction in Trust Wallet shows sent but not received over 24 hours ago.
Who can help me retrieve / recall this transaction?
@Happymominde To better assist, please send the following information:
Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)
Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)
I sent an email response with a few attachments. Can you provide any insite? Will trust wallet return if not claimed?
Hi, I have this same issue. My coins are just sitting.
Hash: 0x99aa7ee5a55d8c4784afc14a7b75178f150e29072a80d3f552bd5dee811ba940
From trust wallet:
To bitrue pyr:
Let me know if this works.
Was trying to send from my trust wallet to bitrue.
Hello @Reed32
You sent your tokens directly to this address 0x0750e38c2aa10f35b7b12e87f47ec86f85fc4fba already