Delayed transaction (Linatoken delay)

Admin pls help, purchased Linatoken using trustwallet gateway but update I have not received my Linatoken, I made the purchase using USDT, pls help


@Lusandy Do you have a transaction hash ?


Hello good morning…I sent money to my trust wallet but I’m seeing the amount and it says completed but it’s not showing in my main wallet balance why?


@David_aro Please provide the transaction hash

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here it is

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@David_aro Can you please reimport your wallet.
Other alternatives you could try is switching your internet connection before reimporting, or uninstalling and reinstalling the Trust wallet app.


Yes I have a transaction hashtag


@Lusandy That’s a direct transfer you did and also likely a scam, you may have just had your wallet compromised in the process. Please ensure you stop using that wallet and create a new one to avoid losing your assets.

I will take legal action against trustwallet, because I didn’t copy the address to paste and initiate the transfer but the address automatically placed itself on address box immediately l clicked the link, I thought it was an automatic gateway to buy Linatoken from trustwallet, how can trustwallet allow such kind of fraud, pls your team should help me recover my funds.
Trustwallet team should take action to pull down fraudulent link that uses its platform as gateway to fraud, am so disappointed with trustwallet.
Pls you people should recover my missing fund else I will press charges against your team.

@Lusandy Sorry for that, but you went to a phishing website and had your funds stolen via that because you signed an approval, that isn’t really Trust wallets fault. You need to stay vigilant and avoid such scam websites going forward.

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My Balance is not showing on my wallet after swapping

Pls assist I plead

Attention Admin
The BNB token that I swapped is not visible in my wallet, I have not got any help from your team, pls assist is urgent

@Lusandy Please check the transaction hash on the explorer to see if you received or not

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Hello Admin
I made a swap on the wallet but the transaction failed but I didn’t get my initial token afterwards or the end token either.
Here’s the hash below

Please help me check my Deposit, I deposited LAI but I didn’t receive it

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@Abujulaibeeb Do you have a transaction hash?
