Did not racive my balance

Hi There, I have transferred my Poodles from WhiteBIT to Trust wallet yesterday but have not received. Please find the below details 0xc184DfD0Aaab60B2EC22799999D4500B87D0271d Txid 0x7186d17333d91ae8505eaacc2ea62a9b05edaf6c42b915ccab147856978789f9

Yes plz I am Here plz help me how why did not fund came in my trust wallet

Please try to add it as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:
Network: Ethereum
Contract: 0x56a980328aee33aabb540a02e002c8323326bf36
Decimals: 9

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I Add already yesterday costem token poodl and then I take adress poodl in whitebit there I withdarw in my costem token

This adress 0xc184DfD0Aaab60B2EC22799999D4500B87D0271d And this is txid adress 0x7186d17333d91ae8505eaacc2ea62a9b05edaf6c42b915ccab147856978789f9

@BILALKH delete the existing custom token and use the details about to add custom token again.

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In white bit exchange showing your withdraw susesful this costem token adress but in trust wallet not showing my fund I have 1258 Usdt poodl plz help

Thanks Alen Please can You help now I have in my wallet erc20 poodl how can I change in to bnb

Hi Alan thanks for yesterday explain me I accept my poodl erc 20 in trust walltet now how I sell and conwert in bnb plz explain me

@BILALKH It is not possible to do crosschain swap from ERC20 to BEP20/BEP2 token currently in the wallet. Send them to centralized exchange to exchange.

Learn more about built-in DEX here: What Is The DEX Inside Trust Wallet?

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But dex did not have poodl erc 20 what Write there I am New I don’t know plz just explain me

Me too transfered from white bit to trust wallet not showing at all…how to check pls help me too

How I send centralized please expalain Me because I have erc 20 poodl how I use this coin for other coin I want Sell This erc 20 poodl

I have a lot Of fund in erc 20 poodl how I sell Or transfer plz explain What I do thnx plz

Read here how to cash out: Cashing out your Crypto