Gambling and investing are similar, because you lay out money with the intention of increasing your returns.
Same thing with business… We make 5 year plans to predict the future of our success or failure.
Since the lockdown, gambling has become one of the most popular pass times for a big chunk of society.
The young are the targets of these sharks that prey on the weak
Let us guide you down the road to recovery and freedom from the burden of addictive gambling so you can go through these times of covid without becoming depressed and suffer from dementia
Know I get you, wow gambling is crazy you just know what you doing is wrong burh can’t quite with the taught that one day you will win and you lose a thousand more mehn it’s a very strong addiction. Thank you for this even in crypto you e hot to be careful too not to fall into crypto currency investment site that promote huge ROI please just learn how to trade on your own, or other options like staking or lending…