ECOMI transferred to Trust Wallet: I cant see my coins, how to recover?

I tranfered OMI from Binance to Trust Wallet.
I can see my OMI Tokens on Etherscan under my Trust Wallet address.

Imported: VET, SHIB to the same trust wallet, but my wrongly transferred ECOMI still not show under my account.
I am sending information that I have seen requested in other publications.
The address of all options of OMI its the same in my wallet, i tested some times and i have video.


Sorry by my English.

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Hello @cabreraluengo
Your tokens didn’t reflect because you transferred ERC20 ECOMI to your GO20 address.
To recover your funds, Please follow this guide:

Choose ETH - Ethereum and then select the BIP32 option under Derivation Path, Client “Custom derivation path” and fill these values m/44'/6060'/0'/0

After getting the private key, open the Trust Wallet app > settings > wallets > + button on the top right corner > i already have a wallet > Ethereum > import the private key


Sincerely, thank you so much. it worked and i recover my coins.
Sincerely, thank you so much. it worked and i recover my coins.