Encountered an error while trying to unstake BNB: existing unbonding delegation found code 400

also, I want to unstack my BNB after 7 days I face the following error

"existing unbonding delegation found code 400 "

  1. Trust Wallet app version 1.28 ( Android )
  2. BNB wallet address: bnb1kpequcufvz0vkj06y8lxsusgv0hpxnks3f6p2z

Hi @Reza.Behzadi,

You currently have 14 BNBs being unstaked right now: https://explorer.binance.org/tx/244425A35C6E46B16222FBEBBCDA065D12EE33E13E18C668ECC63DDC5B09DDDC.

You need to wait for those BNBs to be fully unstaked before you can unstake another batch of BNBs. It will take 7 days for the BNB to be fully unstaked. Unstaking period starts on the next day UTC 00:00. If you are comparing it to the transaction timestamp, it may take a couple of minutes/hours since the starting time is different. Also, once you unstake, you will not receive rewards.

Learn more:

This is all bs, problem occurred in march, said to be fixed on ios one week for non ios. My delegator went down 3 days ago, says in processing of switching ever since then to today. I am on ios. Everything updated. My only option was to unstake and lose a total of 10.5 days + days to re stake.

It’s best to read and understand what you are dealing with before proceeding. That being said, I highly recommend this guide:

Also, it’s clearly stated in the staking guide that you do not earn rewards from inactive validators.

Addtl. note: Not BS. Trust Wallet is not in charge of those validators that you see in the list (except of Trust Wallet’s own validator node, of course).