Will there be ability to store ETH 2.0 on TRUST wallet ?
Just wanted to see if this is coming
As the saying goes, we will cross the bridge when we get there.
Once ETH2 launches then we will most likely support.
Yes trust wallet will support & able to store (ETH 2.0) Crypto assects…
just a heads up August 4th will be the last testnet launch supposedly for ETH 2.0… exciting info!
Interesting. Enlighten us how this is possible or share the source if you don’t mind.
Here is nasdaq and then fxstreet has an article about it as well.
https:// www.nasdaq. com/articles/ethereum-2.0-developers-announce-final-testnet-before-network-launch-2020-07-22
wouldn’t let me post a link so delete the spaces if you want to check it out
anytime! I hope that helps! There is alot of information out there…
I post at least once a week with any important news on Youtube and LBRY as well
https:// youtu. be/FAqiQkFM4Ls
When it launched, it will be available
strong text
Please what is eth 2.0 all about I need some education here!
Good day @zachzweibeen a while hope you doing just fine?