On January 7, 2021, under the guidance of scammers through Telegram, the ETH from the trustwallet wallet was transferred to an unknown wallet many times, and finally HuobiToken was lost when transferred to Huobi PRO through the trustwallet wallet. The details are as follows:
January 7, 2021 20:19:25 trustwallet wallet ETH sent to unknown address: 0x49C57Fdf4Ee44D9C2A3fD22B7A4D416D87196EE6, 0.503498 ETH;
Then there are 137.5 HuobiToken (HT) tokens in the trustwallet wallet token list as shown below.
January 7, 2021 20:46:36 trustwallet wallet HT sent to me to Huobi pro address: 0xd2bb5ac269e83a4cf4e031fb11d39db2791a6670, 137.5, the status in the trustwallet wallet shows that it has been sent, but the HT has not been received so far.
Then respectively
January 8, 2020 00:03:53 1.92604523 ETH
January 8, 2020 01:25:57 3.14824 ETH
January 8, 2020 09:13:34 2.893287 ETH
January 8, 2020 11:05:55 2.713 ETH
Respectively sent to unknown addresses:
In, followed by
January 8, 2020 01:29:07 1,250 HT
January 8, 2020 09:29:47 750 HT
Send it to my address: 0xd2bb5ac269e83a4cf4e031fb11d39db2791a6670, the status in the trustwallet wallet shows that it has been sent, but so far I have not received these HTs in the address.
My trustwallet app address is: 0x23d2E736421E3FF753B2E2E91BAf813d1e0E590C
Help: Can I recover the lost HT, or transfer it to my Huobi pro address 0xd2bb5ac269e83a4cf4e031fb11d39db2791a6670?