Eth and saitama watch only

I’m so desperate to access my token from watch only .I do follow everthing they suggest to uninstall the app.and I did but still the same watch only.
But 1 day my friend and I try again and the token and the amount showed up then I go back again then again it goes to watch only which is something is going on it’s just a glitch.please how can I resolve this issue.
And another issue again before when I open my watch only I can still see the transaction receive and sent but now nothing at all but the amount of the token still shows.


Please do the following:

  • Make sure you have the backup of your recovery phrase, private key, or keystore JSON

  • Uninstall the Trust Wallet app

  • Install the app again

  • Import using the backup (do not import an address, that will turn your wallet as a watch-only)

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Hi !

Thank you for the response.

I have recovery phrase but I don’t remember that I got private key or keystore…

I keep trying it last week and it show up but it’s just a glitch .

Can I still recover the token without keystore and private key but I have a phrase recovery.?



Yes you can use your recovery phrase to reimport your wallet.
Read this:

Hi! Still can’t go through…I don’t know why because this is the first wallet and coin that I bought from uniswap .I remember when I created the trust wallet They gave me 12 words which is recovery phrase and I save. Then I transfer Eth so I can buy a token from uniswap which is I log in to uniswap and connect to wallet then find the token from uniswap import to the wallet and swap from eth to saitama.
After 3 wks all of the sudden my trustwallet doesn’t show on the screen I don’t know how does it happen it’s uninstalled by itself .but I didn’t back up before because I don’t know how.
So I decided to install the app’s then copy my recovery. I saw the coins but watch only
I don’t remember I got key .
I don’t know if I can still recover the coins. When I check to ether scan still there but there is somerhing different that there is 1 transaction out which I don’t know .
1 time I saw in the wallet but it was a glitch and was so happy and check again then it was in watch only.
Hopingbthat I can still recover my coins again.
Please need your help thank you!