ETH internal transaction (smart contract transfer)


I was withdrawing funds from a service and it was probably sent via smart contract (i can see it in internal txn on etherscan). However, i can’t see it in the Trust Wallet ETH detail.

Does Trust Wallet support smart contract transfers or i just lost some ETH :frowning:

Thanks for the answer

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The ETH has been successfully added to the wallet. Do not worry about that.
The app is just not able to display internal transactions.


Thats good to hear… but i also did a Wallet Connect to myetherwallet and did not see the full balance there either.

Anyway, is this a bug or Trust was never designed to handle such transactions.

And the last question, how can i spend those ETH when it does not show in balance.



Sorry, i double checked, the balance is ok, just the tx is missing…

Thanks again for the quick answer, really like the Trust Wallet btw…


2 posts were split to a new topic: Need help with BAT to ETH swap