Ethereum send a wrong network

I am trying to deposit in my 1xbet. Using my trust wallet i send ethereum to mETH (1xbet) account and transaction shows successfully send.
I can’t find any support from 1xbet.
I am new in cryptocurrency. Please help me to recover my ethereum.

Thanks a lot.


Hello @looper23 i am sorry but we can’t help you , you should always check before doing everything , it’s a risky situation . You should contact them not us . we can’t help you.

community.trustwallet dot com/t/how-to-recover-funds-sent-to-a-wrong-public-address/145

This method should work on my case?

Please give me instructions.

Hello @looper23 i am sorry again . i repeat properly , you should contact the 1xbet support not us . We can not help you .

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