Failed swap from QUACK to BNB via PancakeSwap: Router v2 (continued)

Since @Alan47 immediately closed my previous thread without an option for me answer, let me open a new one.
(I’m referring to: Failed swap from QUACK to BNB via PancakeSwap: Router v2 )

Once again, despite my QUACK to BNB swap being marked as ‘‘Success’’ on, I’ve NEVER received my 0.254941888063433859 BNB.

Please check my wallet:

Transaction hash:

Trust wallet app: iOS ver 6.9 (697)

What caught my attention is that

  1. In ‘Internal Tnxs’ tab, the gas limit for second transaction is 0 (as if it never happened?)
  2. Value position states 0 BNB (where it should be ~0.25 BNB!)

Please help.

Hello @Jan3k
You already made the swap and it was successful, there are no missing funds.
You can also check yourself and calculate here on the explorer