Flag network coin problem


Yesterday my balance was 1369
Today I opened the wallet and the balance is 13,54
Where did the difference go?

@tareq516 There is no problem with the app.
This token has an elastic supply.
Elastic supply tokens have a changing circulating supply.
The idea is that instead of price volatility, what changes is the token supply through events called rebases.
Simple explanation. Price goes up, less tokens. Price goes down, more tokens.
I suggest you read and understand the tokenomics of any project before investing.

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Same problem but I don’t have airdrop I buy this token

Now my wallet is show only 1% tokens

So elastic
Many are not aware but airdrop and crypto voin system dusvouraged and biyers hesitation to purchase

Without cooperation of trustwallet, it is not posdible to stealimg flag network coins