I transfered bnb from binance account and selected bep20 network by I wanted it in smart chain coins . I received confirmation from binance.com and I checked transaction on bscscan.com and shows successful. But when I go to my trust wallet I dont see any transaction encoming or received bnb.
It’s been 24 hrs and there is nothing.
my smart chain bnb wallet address : 0xd10b12b741c623015c15ee71122C40f18B445a44
I have a similar problem, I transfered my balance from Binance to my BNB Smart Chain wallet, in Trust Wallet. From Binance’s end the transaction was succesful. But my Trust Wallet never received the balance or even a notification that there was a transaction going on.
I had transferred funds from binance in order to purchase refinable. Either my funds are missing or tokens. No1 seems to know who is accountable please can this be looking into as I want my money or tokens