Besides earning CAKE on PancakeSwap, the team behind this project has introduced a way to distribute tokens that is on the Binance Smart Chain. If you have not staked your CAKE tokens yet, then follow this guide: How to Earn, Farm and Stake CAKE on PancakeSwap with Trust Wallet.
Syrup Pool allows Binance Smart Chain projects to bootstrap adoption by distributing a portion of their tokens to SYRUP token holders. What this means is that, the SYRUP tokens you earn by staking CAKE can also be a means to earn more crypto. Venus Protocol was the first project to provide rewards to SYRUP stakers. Learn more about this here:
And today, another amazing project has provided a big chunk of their token supply to the PancakeSwap community. It is Trust Wallet Token (TWT).
Let’s get farming shall we?
Staking SYRUP
I think you are already aware of how this works. Access the Menu and then look for SYRUP Pool.
Now, here is the question that you need to ask yourself. Where should I stake my SYRUP tokens?
Well, if you would ask me. I will try to get anything that is available.
For this one, let us get those precious TWT tokens. Tap on Approve Syrup and then Confirm the transaction. Next, tap on the + sign and input the amount you want to Stake.
Confirm and send the transaction. The distribution depends on the settings for the pool. As you can see the farming for TWT has not yet started.
As soon as the countdown expires, you will be earning a share of the TWT tokens. You can harvest your earnings as well as your SYRUP at anytime.
These pools are not permanent, so get in as soon as you can.
The rules may change depending on what the PancakeSwap community decides.