Giao dịch thành công nhưng không nhận được số dư trong ví [pancakeswap]

I made a transaction on pancakeswap, swapping Ghostface tokens - BNB transaction successful but in wallet not receiving BNB
Execution wallet: trusted wallet
Time: May-31-2021 04:34:28 AM + UTC
TXid: 0x2d44294f23fbb7784a8cad7e922f33ae298391b89f2cb1259ab85e58167d0317
please help me how to fix the problem, thanks

Hi guys! Today i made a swap on pancake …the value of that token was 267 usdt ,after swap i received only 33 usdt . Can you help me please! Thanks!

Are you sure that is the real value bcuz so many coin out there have fake values

Yes ,i’m sure ,yesterday Fire token was up 300% and it’s a legit token ,i did dyor .