How this could be possible?

So, I told my employee to create a wallet. He did it and never told anyone its seed (THhvjnWWMgYVZqYyDLb1984qTwKhd1Ldgm) and then I sent him first part of usdt (4a0875889bea1c62ca28ec40019f9c4900d261270fa6895f3ffa71d9ca749995). Also, what is strange, time of that transaction is earlier than creating this wallet… So, in a few minutes, he recieved some strange transaction from unknown wallet (e401532ef40264c848ea2b0c9b4e10f1c104a80ba7a70d990db3c4ff07a30aac), but he didn’t noticed it. After that transaction, in 6 seconds all of usdt were gone (a2294c5391f95111c2ac090f0b41d5789ac56005e9b33a9ffa225ae8cb751e18), but at a time, my employee didn’t noticed it either… Than I’ve sent him 700 tron from different wallet to cover future transactions (3cfc47779492a59a7072bc750bc1c29ae7a4018a6c33a335931dda4e5cbba7bb). In 12 second they were gone too (5127b824dd94c1c87ccb831d953f642817b5da221b1d22b35c3b6a7b05a41801) on the same wallet, where usdt went… And again, he didn’t notice it. So, I did second transaction of usdt in 20± minutes (2e6ddcb4a8d75595d3d2da5129fb76f87018564efb41bb2f1af0b909869d103d). In 2 minutes he recieved 50 tron from that wallet, that stole usdt early (77a350b0b755c05d700bb755c3fe5bd4985e4e59c7a64d7f52c5277e363361e8) and in 6 seconds, this usdt were stolen too (6b23db411b8b3295dcba64f9f113ac156d8d556f9f445adf715cdea245a9cbe5). And then he noticed and messaged me…
So, the main question, could it be something else, then him? Im not sure, he’s phone could be compromised, but other apps he had weren’t robbed, but that new wallet instantly… Can you kindly explain what could have happened, or give some theories?

@Endz The first transaction on that wallet was the USDT you sent to it, and then the TRX was sent after before the USDT was sent out.

If there are unauthorized transfers like that, it means the wallet is compromised. The means of compromise, I can’t determine specifically but you could check some of the reasons here.

Please create a new wallet and stop using the compromised one.
Also ensure to follow good security practices going forward.

Thanks for the answer! But do you know how is it possible to transfer money to wallet earlier than time of the creation?

@Endz You sent USDT to the wallet which would be after the wallet was created.
There was no transaction before the wallet was created then since the USDT sent to the wallet was the first transaction there.