How to quickly see/revoke the BSC addresses authorised to spend your tokens with Trust Wallet

Indeed, this is value added!
Keep it up!


We really need to share this

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Thank you so much for this info

What happen if I revoked all while still farming on somewhere?

Anyone tried?

You will have to approve them again and still pay gas fee to approve transactions


A post was split to a new topic: I sent money to safemoon address by mistake and its blocked on bcscan

Why am I seeing this now after being a victim over $400 loss … ahh I feel pained…


My trust wallet is not responding at all. I am not able to send money out. I am trying to revoke access to my contract address and nothing is responding. Please help what do I do ?


This is Very timely… I think every new user needs to read this. Thank you for sharing.

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Extremely Helpful and Insightful . Thanks for this Post. I will Circulate this Around for others to make a Good Use of

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Thank you so much for this great information.
Please how do I open bscscan?

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I press revoke many time but cannot revoke some of them like jaguar plum panther can anyone please help

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Is it possible to revoke with paying ETH has fees? I’m worried by wallet has been exposed and am unable to remove permission as the gas fee is 200 pounds

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Same issue here, it wants insane ETH gas to revoke the permissions. How does one go about this?

Good info, thanks. Now we are safe, I guess they can’t hack our wallets.

Best article to avoid any scam contract address. Thank you, i was looking for this article for a long time

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i have revoked the contrcat address and they went. but when i refresh the dapps browser again they are still there what might be the problem?

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Hello @farah Trust wallet has no option or official DApp for such operation currently. It could be the problem with DApp itself, contact DApp owner for support.

Hello, How do you access via trust wallet on iphone because no dapps on iphone?

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@willggo use WalletConnect feature: WalletConnect Mobile Linking with Trust Wallet