How to revoke the approval of these three affected smart contracts?

Dear Trust

Two months ago, I’ve created a Trust Wallet account, the Wallet Address is:

However, on May 13, this wallet pulled my funds using unauthorized transaction:
Transaction Hash: 0xb4fff7525e2f3778a9391b5f0f38b179848a7701b0f21ae1fb1558f8cc5236a4

Then soon transferred to these wallet, so that I know I’ve lost at least 13952 USDT:
Transaction Hash: 0xa9d0c4ac9702a76c40e7fa33b23e6916b5c901513ff1c4b06ae857f26ef3f645

These are all the transaction I mentioned, all these addresses above of from scammers.

What’s more, the 13952 USDT has been separated to 8952 USDT and 5000 USDT, then transferred to these wallet:
(8952 USDT)
Transaction Hash:
(5000 USDT)
Transaction Hash: 0x5c42cebf7409e1bd0ececace9a614ec33cd7a9e98ecc2faf9d62bfee427e87e4

Finally, all of the money been transferred to these account:
(Transit Swap’s Wallet)
(Pancake Swap’s Wallet)

In 2022, there’s also a trust wallet holder faced similar problem, and the problem has been solved:

I also hope that Trust Wallet is not an app for someone doing money laundering. Please do your best to revoke the approval of these three affected smart contracts or call the Transit Swap and Pancake Swap to freeze scammer’s wallet address immediately.

On May 15th, I sent you two emails with a warning, hoping to prevent further damage. The mail is the detailed information for the request 761560. If you had taken the content of that email seriously initially, perhaps we could have acted more swiftly to prevent the situation from worsening. And what I wrote that day was that–

Mail 1

  1. The mail I sent earlier offered a Word file, mentioning that someone used unauthorized transaction to pulled my funds, and 5000 USDT from my fund has been transferred to the scammer’s wallet address:


And according to this webpage, these 5000 USDT have still been stored in this wallet for 33 hours:

I hope that, before these 5000 USDT be transferred to another wallet, Trust Wallet can revoke the approval to the affected smart contract as soon as possible.

  1. I’ve also checked another scammer’s wallet address, which transfered the 8952 USDT from my fund:


And according to this webpage, the scammer are going to remove the cryptocurrency, and there are 8384 USDT token holdings

Therefore, if it’s possible, I hope that Trust Wallet can both block the approval to the affected transaction hash:


and watch out for all the other transaction hash below because it’s doubtful that these transactions, which use cross method, are stealing money:







(especially beware the transaction happened close to this transaction: 0xc22b9e772a0eb3e851ca40a651980c1c5fcf925e256faaab68e300eba6008a9f
because this transaction removed 8952 USDT from my fund)

Also, because the wallet address
0xeA277B3435fF472e9597d2309b9AEA61c33e8bbb is from scammer, the following transaction would be doubtful:

Mail 2:
Dear Trust Wallet Support Team:

Today I checked my token approvals via Etherscan and BscScan, and suddenly found out that there were three approvals that gave unlimited allowance of USDT, ETH, and BSC-USD:
Transaction Hash: 0xc24a17dce939db28e664067ac5e0c495dd6abb5cfd2c650f4f9321b75765a345
Contract: 0xD37BbE5744D730a1d98d8DC97c42F0Ca46aD7146
Transaction Hash: 0xb4fff7525e2f3778a9391b5f0f38b179848a7701b0f21ae1fb1558f8cc5236a4
Contract: 0xA88eD215fA00A4dBCF89b0006AC4C8AF444abde5
Transaction Hash: 0x1c67a13fd07465593b581667705d913fda5f39d423031f1b173cf4b87e11d3a4
Contract: 0x69460570c93f9DE5E2edbC3052bf10125f0Ca22d

@freshbird If your wallet is compromised, it’s best to stop using the wallet and create a new wallet to avoid further loss of funds.
Please be informed that Trust Wallet is a free, decentralized app that allows users to be custodians of their crypto assets.

Anyone can create a wallet without the need for any user verification.

We have no way to identify the person who has access to a specific wallet or address.

Trust Wallet does not hold the funds. Everything is on the blockchain.

What this means is that a wallet can be accessed using a different app.

The Trust Wallet team cannot reverse, cancel, or refund confirmed transactions in the blockchain since the app is a non-custodial wallet. All transactions done in the blockchain are permanent.

It is recommended to create a new wallet and abandon the compromised one. Please make sure you downloaded and installed the legitimate Trust Wallet app on official sites, you can check here:

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