How to Unstake KAVA Tokens

Unstaking KAVA Tokens

This guide is only applicable if you have KAVA tokens currently staked. If you would like to do that instead, then follow this guide on Staking KAVA.

Once the process of unstaking KAVA has been started, you will not receive any staking rewards anymore. The unstaking of your tokens will take a full 21 days before they become available. You cannot do anything to your tokens during this time, so plan ahead.

A small amount of Available KAVA needs to be on the wallet in order to pay for the transaction fees. Minimum transaction fee is at 0.001 KAVA.

Let us proceed.

Steps to Unstake KAVA Tokens

Step 1. Access Staking Menu

Open your KAVA Wallet. Tap on More to access the Staking Menu and then tap on Unstake.

Step 2. Choose the Validator

Tap on the Validator Menu to show the list where your tokens is staked. This list will only show up if you have staked unto multiple validators. Choose the Validator and then tap on Unstake KAVA to go back.

Step 3. Input Unstake Amount

Manually key in the KAVA Amount that you want to unstake, or tap on Max to select all tokens. Tap on Next to proceed.

Step 4. Confirm the Transaction

Once the process of unstaking KAVA has been started, you will not receive any staking rewards anymore. The unstaking of your tokens will take a full 21 days before they become available. You cannot do anything to your tokens during this time, so plan ahead.

Review the Unstake transaction and if everything looks good, tap on Send to submit the transaction to the network.

Step 5. Check Unstaking Status

There will be a notification that the Unstake was successful. The Undelegation transaction will also show up on main KAVA Wallet screen. To further check the Unstaking Status, tap on More then Stake Details. You will see here the Pending Delegations which represent the tokens that are being Unstaked.

You can also view your unstaking(unbonding) status by going to this explorer: and then do a search for your KAVA address.