I am having the same problem with Pancakeswap. I tried to swap safemars for bnb on both V2 and V1 and both failed after waiting 20mins but now when I try again I am unable to even click the Approve button as it is greyed out with spinning circle. I also tested swapping safemoon for bnb and got the same result. Funny how it worked perfectly when I was swapping BNB for safemoon/safemars weeks ago.
I reinstalled TrustWallet and now the Approve button on Pancakeswap is clickable and no longer greyed out. It still doesn’t explain why my 4 previous attempts all failed with 0 confirmations. Even when I clicked ‘more details’ on the pending transactions it just led me to a bsc link that stated “Sorry we are unable to locate this txnhash”
Hi @Charmander,
BSC is congested right now. Thus, it takes some time for the DApps like Pancakeswap to function in a correct manner. Glad to know it’s all fine now.