I can't get ADA out Of staking, writes an error,


0: GraphQL error: ‘Error: The transaction is attempting to withdraw rewards from stake credentials that do not engage in on-chain governance. Credentials must be associated with a delegate representative (registered, abstain or noConfidence) before associated rewards can be withdrawn. The field ‘data.marginalizedCredentials’ lists all the affected credentials.’ mistake


@hram Please submit a ticket to the customer support team here:

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How to do it? there is no create ticket option or I can’t find it. My problem is related to the error

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Yeah, doubt we’re gonna get reimbursed for back coins.
Won’t let me unstake to send to another wallet either.

There is no option to create our submit ticket anymore??
How do we contact someone with trust??

@Jonny922 Please submit a support ticket at support.trustwallet.com and the customer support team will reach out to you via email.