I can't send USDT trc20 on my wallet

Help I can’t send or swap USDT trc20 on trustwallet and pancake swap… whenever I try sending, it tells me I don’t have enough trons. what could be the problem?


I have thesame proble:( I’m trying to withdraw from trust wallet they’re telling me i need tron please how can i solve this?

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@Lyta To get TRX,

someone said if i try to send tron (TRX) to my tron wallet it will go to my USDT (TRC20) walket is that true?

And by withdrawing from and exchange, do you mean I can send tron from my binance to trust wallet to cover up for the fee?

It’ll appear as Tron (TRX) not as USDT, Both Tron and USDT TRC20 have same deposit addresses as they’re on same blockchain.


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