I cant use pancake swap, i dont have smart chain bnb please help

I want to use pancake swap but trustwallet asking for smartchain some fee… i cant buy bnb right now because trustwallet have 50 minimim buy limit… Will be much appreciated if anyone send me 0.20€ for the fee… im really stuck

I am a new user however, I have also been trouble buying BNB. You can buy from binance if you are not from the USA and if it is overloaded you can also use Paybis to buy. Then just link your trust wallet to transfer over. Once in your Trust Wallet just swap into bnb smart chain. This may all take longer than usual as there are a ton of users right now.
I hope some of this info helps. Good Luck.

This site have a minimum 50€ deposit… I currently cant deposit 50€… If you can help me i will bre very grateful… i will send you back your money in minutes … i just need 0.20€