I converted my BNB to ETH using pancake swap but did not received ETH in my wallet

In this community search ‘Peg out’ or what are Peg tokens and there is a write up on converting Peg tokens to Smart chain to Ethereum and understanding on what these are.

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Please help in this. I used ETH to buy Akita but it went on error and did not reverted back. Please check this transaction


Hey it had used a big amount of gas. When ever you use ethereum platform be prepared that the gas fees can be rather high. For example it has reverted your transaction but its fee was more. Best thing to do is if a transaction like this is still processing change gas to Nil so it reverts your transaction and does not take fee

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For future reference this is the legit akita contract on ethereum network

AKITA contract

( this is from CoinMarketCap legit contracts) make sure you always interact with legit contracts.

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Is there any chance to get it back fluffy? As I’m still wondering what to do with this transaction

Unfortunately its already been processed sorry, basically you have done 2 transactions to the gas amount of nearly $116 (1) $84 (2)-cancelled transactions. Once processed its already been taken you can not recover. Next time just make sure before you confirm that you agree with the gas fee? Aswell as your transaction amount.

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Bro, whats your Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste )

Ill check it out if i can help I will.

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When I try this, it doesn’t work: the ETH doesn’t appear in the list of cryptos it can convert to.
Any explanation?

Hey, Have you tried to copy your contract address sent to and then put this into your trust wallet

You could contact the trust wallet support centre for help, they are reliable.

But normal eth on trust wallet be useable on uniswap in the dapps section of trust wallet?
i want to buy shib.

when transferring bnb to eth on pancake, do i need to use the bsc version or normal bnb version?

i hope this gets easier in the future, its frying my brain with its lack of “ease of use”.

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I can’t seem to change the crypto I wanna swap. I click on DEX at the bottom, and TWT > BNB is what’s chosen. And when I try to change it to ETH I can search for “Search token - You Pay” and I click on Ethereum (because I have that in my wallet) and then it says “Search token - You Get” and I click on BNB. Nothing happens and when I back out it’s still TWT > BNB. How the f#*¤ do I change this?

Hi i need your help i have binance peg Ethereum and want move it back, i accidentally swap bnb to eth with pancake so what can I do now?

Hello I need your help. I accidently swap with pancake bnb to Ethereum and i have binance peg Ethereum how i undo it?

Hey fluffy im trying to transfer my bnb to ethereum but u need to use busd to transfer it over. i have looked at the ‘peg out’ page but am not too sure how to change my bnb to busd to be able to transfer over to eth. any suggestions would be great

Same here. I did read it can take along time to get token. I swapped out safe moon for compound and it’s gone missing. No idea how to get help. Someone help

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Hi I was try to buy safe moon and my transfer went somewhere else can you please help me get it ba know just move it to safe moon for me please

Hi I sent SHIB from my trust to Coinbase but the transaction does say successful but I do not see it in my Coinbase wallet. Can you please help?


A post was split to a new topic: Missing funds after transaction failed