I have $12 in my wallet and I want send $8 out is keep tell me I should top up

I have $12 in my wallet and I want send $8 out is keep tell me I should top up. I just need $8 out the reason I swap from btc to usdt. I need help please


@Ranking99 That message you got means you do not have enough to cover the gas fees so you need to have a little amount of the token you’re shown depending on the chain for your gas fee.


I have to have like 50% of money I want to send before I can send the coins. Keep I don’t have enough which I have


@Ranking99 Unfortunately this fee isn’t determined or charged by the Trust app but the blockchain and a number of factors could make the fees go up or reduced.


Hello :wave: I can help with your issues not sending the amount you said in your wallet okay so just hit me up :call_me_hand: once you ready for me to help with your complain sir ?


Hello,l have 120usdt,trying to complete the transaction but every time l m told l have insufficient tron.how do l go about it?

@WILLINGTON You need to deposit TRON to your wallet to cover the gas fees.

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