I have try , please i need help

where and how can i buy any coins on trustwallet app and binance platform?
i have try but my country not supported [Nigeria]


Am also Nigerian and I have no issues with purchasing coins on Binance especially.
Please be reminded that the Banks in Nigeria has restricted the amount of international transaction with card to maximum of $100 per month depending on the bank. Some banks allow $200.

You can message me directly for instructions on other ways you can by-pass this issue.

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Hello, i have send Waves from binance toSmart Chain… what can i do now :(??

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Hello @Turek2,
Kindly explain your issues with more information.
For example, provide transaction ID, wallet address etc.

Please always endeavour to create your own post if not related to the current post.

Use the transfer option in binance it’s quite easy. You can buy crypto more than 2 millionaire in a month.

Please how can I bypass the $100/month issue?

How can I message you directly

Tap on my profile and click message to message me directly

am not seeing this option, please can you initiate the message from your end?