I lost my 4779 doge

3 days ago my 4779 doge gone by sending himself or by hacker. Why trust wallet don’t make a password when we send token


Keep your PHRASE privately. Don’t send it to someone.
If your DOGEcoin gone without informing others your PHRASE, submit a ticket if you don’t know how. Or by tracking your missing doge coin via withdrawal and track it.


Doge Worry :dog:

Keep your keys bro


Is it not possible to have Google Authentication for withdrawals in Trust Wallet? Just thinking out loud though…

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Thats why you were given those keys

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access to your wallet is only you in control, don’t forget to save your private key and don’t share your private key with others


Sorry you should’ve confirm before sending

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Keep your backup phrase don’t send it to anyone
Then you can also add a password to your trust wallet app so that only you can access it

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Sad to hear bro… give it away and you will get more soon

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Your keys, your funds…secure it with all carefulness

@Galek You should be careful…