I sent Binance pegged ETH from Trust Wallet to a regular (ERC20?) Wallet address on Meta Mask

Hi, I sent Binance pegged ETH from Trust Wallet to a regular (ERC20?) Wallet address on Meta Mask.


htt ps:// bscscan. com/tx/0xdd966f2d60a4694ff070a2e256347b885323f0f02337ae5ba2a4b0299e185f8e

It’s lost! I guess because the recipient wallet is of a different technology. How can I recover these funds??

Please help. I used Trust Wallet and it allowed me to send to an address that wasn’t compatible :frowning:

I’ve tried to add the address to my Meta Mask, but it’s empty:


Eth Mainnet:

htt ps:// prnt. sc/11gopmh

BSC Mainnet:

htt ps:// prnt. sc/11gordx

Please advise! I see support topics elsewhere where it tells you to add a custom wallet to the recipient wallet but that doesn’t seem to work. I really hope it’s not lost!

Thank you

Hi @simon422,

There are two ways to recover it.

  1. Connect your Metamask to Smart Chain (Connecting MetaMask to BNB Smart Chain | Binance Academy) then add the ETH BEP20 as a custom token.
  2. Get the recovery phrase or private key from Metamask then open the Trust Wallet app > settings > wallets > + button on the top right corner > i already have a wallet > Smart Chain > import the recovery phrase or private key