I staked solana

I staked my solana in
2023z Pls advise why there is no button to unstake my solana. It’s shows it’s completed. How do I get my solana
Back into my trust wallet.


@Starjupitor Can you provide your receiving address.

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I have the same problem
there is no button to unstake my solana.
Please help


Here is my receving address

Hello Tobi
Can you help me check on this issue please?
Thank you very much!

@Faafaa Can you check if your app is up to date first, if it is then go to the Earn tab in your Trust app, locate Solana there and tap on that.
There should be an unstake option.

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@Tobi My app version is 11.12 (1117) so I think it is up to date, but I still cannot see the unstake option, only have stake option, what should I do?
I’ve screen cap but seems I cannot upload here

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@Faafaa Can you please submit a ticket to the customer support team:

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Support doesn’t reply. My latest mistake if anyone can help I will be grateful.

I swap my matic (661 matic) to eth but somehow the contract shows 0 amount . Now no eth is received. I don’t know how to get back my eth.

@Starjupitor Can you kindly provide the transaction hash ?