I received his transfer by mistake, how can I return it to its owner?
yes sir sure
Transaction Hash:
So you suddenly received 238 USDT (ERC20) from Binance?
Yes, sir, that’s right
The owner of the transfer contacted me and I told him of my full cooperation with him
Ah, I see. Hope everything goes well both on your ends. Cheers!
Do you mean we can do that
Well, you are in contact with the owner right? Please coordinate with him, as this is not a Trust Wallet issue.
I have suddenly received ethereum cryptocurrency when I woke up and literally watch somebody cash my crypto currency out. I haven’t saved my 12 words anywhere and I have not gave it to anyone nor anyone have access to my phone
Transaction hash
Soy nuevo en esto, tengo un dinero en usdt erc20 y solo tengo de eth: 11$. Y no me deja sacarlo
One hour ago I saw my shiba transferd to another adfress and now I see some Mana and a few etherium deposit in my vallet ?? What happen ? Whats story ???
To better assist, please send the following information:
Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)
Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)
Please see attached 8 screenshots of my trust wallet.
I have to say about these problems:
- Please see pictures 2,3,4. There is a transaction for the shiba that I had lost.I lost about (2,056,196.086144 Shiba).
- Please see pictures 4,5,6. There is a new transfer to my wallet about (9,200,000 Shiba) after I lost about (2,056,196.086144 Shiba) and now even I don’t see these 9,200,000 Shiba in my wallet and my Shiba is 0 and you don’t see any transfer confirmation about this withdraw .
- After I lost my Shiba I received about (9.83961429 Mana) and .
- I received about (0.005817 Eth) but I don’t see this amount and amount and Eth is 0 still now.
I think the previous version was 2.07 (I’m not sure)but after I checked this site and read comments, I updated my trust wallet to new version (2.12).
I didn’t any transaction and nobody access my trust wallet and my password or … .
I will be glad if you help me .
@mehrdad_ir52 Send your wallet address and transaction hash in plain text too (copy and paste here).
Shib Wallet: 0xC29b5fBf70E31002F9231892bac0720c3FA56fAf
Transaction Hash: 0x92801a485ba4fd3f36f486d5fc28f6ccf697a8d91b4cae6b0b0e17e6c266563e
You transferred SHIB to this address: 0x532b41015594088a223a6942326f347c589961de and went successfully. This add already transferred the balance received to FTM exchange, here’s transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x668c63e4068c78d3df5fd883addeef9c0bda62d812946e5222e34e4cbd002459
The second transaction too went successfully and transferred to FTM exchange too.
I myself know that a transfer has taken place and I asked you to solve my problem.
It has two meanings
- You can easily access people’s accounts and withdraw money from their accounts.
۲. Trust volt is very unsafe and unreliable.
In either case, you must respond to this challenge.