First I’m not an UI designer, but I work in creative industry for a decade.
Here I post my idea for user interface for our beloved Trust Wallet (and I love dark mode so much)
What do you think? I hope it reach the developer too.
Nice one, there are couple things that can be done other way, but really intresting idea, i like top half of it for sure). Thanks for your time! If thats not a bit too much to ask, a sketch of candlesticks chart menu at exchange window, when you will be in mood and na have a free minute)
Thanks for the appreciation guys, basically practically all I did is just to make sure that if the interface like this it should easily adopted even for beginner.
I did grouping for icons per functions such as why I put buy crypto icon on the right side of bottom bar along with staking icon. So whenever somebody wants to buy an asset to invest, unconsciously he/she will stake/save it.
Also since the majority of dapps is in gaming environment, he/she will see their rewards icon next to the left of the dapps icon.
I put the qr code in the mid section just to hope that someday trust wallet fully adopted to be one of payment channel and people going to be easy when they want to pay something in a hurry.
Swap icon to the left in the middle section is maybe whenever you want to go travel aboard you could just easily swap whatever digital currencies they want it with their stored assets, instantly. Also if you want to trade you could also do that in that section using dex.