Issue: Swapped BNB for PLMRX token, show successful transaction but balance has not updated

I swapped BNB for PLMRX token via Pancakeswap. It shows a successful transaction
My wallet address is: 0x65C5bf77811c96A5BdB8E9C6F849dE265e7057C4

There are 4x transaction ID’s

  1. 0x7180ee27e683d006330ad0d5a02366b6c65ebd2312a165af2208ce2b2046ca40 - 27154 PLMRX
  2. 0x624ebf1476140ebc74587f587490e713a1f97190cdc293a058ab19551c487d5a - 0.653 PLMRX
  3. 0x8255bd82fd266fe089fb0229d78dea7b0b0fed0ed6303f2c4bd5ddbd572b7f06 - 0.163 PLMRX
  4. 0xf7294465b3af28e78bb65dc1cf70ce0a871a8f7ab7bb23a87925f9a597988c01 - 0.0408 PLMRX

can you assist in identifying where the funds have gone or not gone?

Hello @martqcom
When you made the swap for that token, it seems your transaction went through but was swapped back to BNB.


Hello @Tobi,
I am new in this platform, also I can’t see option to post my problem. That’s why I am writing here.

I transferred some DEGO from Binance to Trust Walltet. The transaction was successful but funds hasn’t added yet in Trust Wallet.

Transaction Hash: 0x6d53581288e8ad0d4b1ceb629d564b663642787d8e9989963b56b5ababcd4405
I use IOS 9.3 version, also I am attaching the pictures of the transaction, please check.

Hello @Jahid_mh
You would need t add the token manually first as a custom token as i can see you received the tokens already.
You can use the details below to add it.
Network - Smartchain
Contract - 0x3Da932456D082CBa208FEB0B096d49b202Bf89c8
Decimals - 18


Thanks a lot dear @Tobi. I really appreciate your instead reply. Thanks again

Hi, I can’t see how to post either, hopefully someone can help me. I had SAFEMOON TOKENS, which I transferred to BNB over 12 hours ago, it says the transaction is complete but I cannot see anything in my BNB? Thank you

@nikkisynnott If you sent on the BEP20 network which i assume is what you mean, then try adding it manually.

Did this guy Tobi scam you? You’d think (silly me) someone on the support forum on trust wallet was part of the support team, should have known! This guy took all my tokens!! Lowlife! Lesson for other people!

@nikkisynnott There are impersonators on the community forum, please be aware of that.
I would never request to chat privately or ask for money.