Let Your Voice Be Heard

Your vote can make the difference!

We decided it’s time to add another crypto asset to our wallet. Can you help us to decide which one it should be?

Up for vote: Which crypto asset (Bitcoin Cash, EOS or Tezos) do you want us to add?

Trust Wallet will select ONE lucky winner for a chance to win $100 in BNB tokens.

Follow us, RT @ 3 Friends and reply with one-sentence why you voted for your favorite crypto asset and have the chance to win $100 USD (eg. unique features, community aspects, best leader) by Jan 28th, 2019.

Activity period: January 25, 2019, to January 28, 2019 (UTC 00:00:00)


  • Follow Trust Wallet’s official Twitter account (@TrustWalletApp)
  • Retweet the activity and @ 3 friends
  • Reply with one-sentence why you voted for your favorite crypto asset


We will use a third-party tool to randomly select ONE lucky winner for a total of $100 USD paid out in BNB


  • Each participant must be a registered Binance user
  • Trust Wallet will announce the lucky winner on 02/28/2019 (UTC 00:00:00).
  • By participating in this competition, you acknowledge that your Twitter username will be made public if you win.
  • Trust Wallet reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition or competition rules at our sole discretion.

May the favorite crypto win!

Good luck,

Trust Wallet team