Loss of Funds from Trust Wallet


I transferred 0.01377662 ETH (Around $26) from Binance to Trust Wallet using the BEP20 network. Once the transaction was complete the ETH reflected in Trust Wallet. However, within a few seconds it vanished.

I find an outgoing transaction for the entire amt that wasn’t done by me.

The amount may not be much but I’m trying to figure out what could have happened. There is absolutely no scope of anyone getting their hands on the TW secret phrase or any other sensitive information other than the Receiving Address that has been shared with a few people.

Any help with understanding what could have happened would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!



Hello @oosha ,
To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)
  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)
  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)
  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

Heads up! Please be informed that we will never ask for your seed phrase or money; talk to you via email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or other platforms. Be vigilant against scammers and impersonators, and report them to us immediately.


Hello Amon,

Appreciate your response. Please find below the details you asked for:

  1. TW App Version: 7.17.5

  2. My Public Address to Receive ETH 0x1c2E5fc7D7EB146Db8d4e33E0226A6f1879d6767

  3. Transaction Hash: 0x09ab7f061809a1fa67386b8779b47c6323f27fec4f5111d174dbb0ab95948c1c

  4. I had transferred ETH via BEP20 network from Binance to Trust Wallet. The transfer was successful and the amount reflected in my Trust Wallet. I then went to the Browser and added the contract for $ONYX coin to swap. But I couldn’t swap as my ETH Balance showed 0. That’s when I noticed that the money vanished.

I have not used Trust Wallet in a long time and when I checked my transactions on the blockchain, I noticed that there was a transfer of a tiny amount to the same address 64 days back.

(I get the message that no links or media allowed to be sent with this message. So I had to remove all the screenshots and links)

I would like to start using Trust Wallet again as I find it easy and convenient. Now my concern is the security. If I know what happened here, I can make sure I don’t repeat this mistake.

Thank you for your time and help.


@oosha As you can see your ETH wallet is empty but not your BSC walllet check the history here https://bscscan.com/address/0x1c2E5fc7D7EB146Db8d4e33E0226A6f1879d6767 , your records show some transactions from 11 hours ago

if it’s not you ,your wallet might be compromised . Your should follow theses steps NOW : What Can You Do If Your Wallet Gets Hacked?

Hello Amon,

That wasn’t me. That’s the reason for my concern. I’ll go through the guide you provided to secure my wallet.

For now, I’ll go ahead and read that. May I get back to you if I have questions?

Thank you! Appreciate your help a great deal.


@oosha You are free to open a new topic in case or you are lost or something else .


I have a issue as well, I was trying to purchase a coin called Wojak which I didn’t and all of a sudden all my PEPE coins got transfered from my wallet. I haven’t shared my phrase with anybody. What can I do about this? Thank you


Hello @1RAUL check this out