Lost balance after new phone purchase?

I currently received a new iPhone, after activation my Trustwallet app showed zero balance on my account. It’s been two days and still no balance, how can I get it back??

Apologies for the inconvenience.
Please make sure that you have the right set of words. Here is a guide that might help:

When I enter my recovery phrase, my screen reads that it was successfully imported, yet there is still no balance in my account??

You may be using the recovery keys for another wallet.
If you had funds on your wallet, after reimporting your funds would still be there and intact.
You need to find the correct keys.

Mine also same problem please suggest us how to reback my coins nd funds

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Hello @Ramana5,
Can you kindly explain in details what happened to your wallet?

My mobile was lost, I purchased a new mobile nd I installed my trust wallet nd given a correct phrase nd the message received that I successfully imported but my trust wallet showing 0 balance nd coins all are disabled

Apologies for the inconvenience. Please make sure that you have the right set of words. Here is a guide that might help: