Make TWT a parachain in Polkadot

I think Everyone knows about Polkadot and their relay chain and parachains. In Q1 2021 they will allow parachains auctions and already they have 3 parachains ready to be made live, one Stablecoin one smart contract project and one chain for BTC integration through layer 2 solution.

Now they will be needing a Wallet, of course already there are wallets available to be integrated into the relay chain. But what if Binance secures a parachain and makes trust wallet secure a parachain, it will make trust wallet integrate with many new blockchains and ultimately Trust Wallet will become a universal wallet in crypto space. It will bring great value to TWT.

what’s your opinion guys?


This will be truly amazing and open up the wallet to many users.

Hopefully this will come to reality.

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Such would be cool here…


Wow! Anything that will add value to TWT token and bring great reward to the Community, will be utmostly welcomed and greatly appreciated.

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