Metador Token not Received

I bought some Metador token since two days now and am yet to receive the token in my wallet even after the transaction was successful in bscscan with this hash 0x4023c2382b1c075e9c30c5dc58da17f701772298de91e2772c51a8e7f9567aed

I’ve added the token to my wallet by custom with its contract Address but it kept reading zero. What could this mean and what can be done, is metador a scam or what?

Hello @chrisdotcom, your transaction was successfully completed but it seems your funds were redirected to another address (0x71f9e7429a5c05cc0882eb4a79a5080639796aee).

This usually occurs when you swap your tokens on phishing/fake DApps sites.

Can you tell us where you found the link used during swapping?

Send a screenshot displaying the site with the link visited visible.

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