Missing DASH balance

Hi.please help me.I bought two dash coin yesterday but after updating the app they are not shown on my tokens


Hi @HRP,

To better assist, please provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (go to settings and press “About”)
  2. Crypto address
  3. Transaction ID
  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors, if any)
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Version 5.8 (586)
Address: XfAQyYXEYSQfWs2ja5ZuqTYfXwV5bTAJAZ

There is no error. Even no sign of receiving coins

I can’t send you images.why?

Permitted you to post images now. Please try again.

Please re-import your wallet by following this guide: How to Re-Import your Wallet

I did it. Nothing happened

Try to use a VPN then refresh your DASH balance.

I did that too but it didn’t work.
But I have a question, in my transaction page there’s a phrase next to my address saying "not yet redeemed ". What does it mean??

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I see. Regarding the “not yet redeemed” part, it simply means that your DASH balance wasn’t spent yet (you still have it in your wallet). This issue is now relayed to the dev team. Please wait for our updates and thank you for your patience!

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Thanks for your help

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The same is happening with me too,
I just recieved my dash coins for the first time, Transaction appears in the blockchain but not in my TrustWallet.

Not sure if this has something to do with the hard-fork that happened yesterday as per their reddit post

How can I get them back??

@crypto1 @HRP
As mentioned earlier, please wait for our updates. Also, for your information, the funds are still in your wallet. It’s just that the balance does not show correctly in the app.


I think I’ve done sth wrong. I gave my recovery phrases to some one who told me one of the tech team on telegram chat. I think he was a scammer.
But Luckily I had nothing but these two missing dashes on that wallet. I’m afraid when they’re back that guy steals them. Can you please tell me what to do now??

@HRP if that’s the situation, It’s better to import the seed in coinomi wallet and move it to a separate account address in trustwallet

Disclaimer: Use with caution

Please be informed that we will never ask you for your recovery phrase. You got scammed already.

Install this app and create a new wallet: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hashengineering.darkcoin.wallet

Go to BIP39 - Mnemonic Code and enter your recovery phrase from the compromised Trust Wallet DASH wallet. Select DASH in the list of coins in the iancoleman tool. Scroll down and find the derived addresses.

Go back to the new app, go to the settings, then select import private key. Hover your mouse to the private key of the first address in the iancoleman tool and sweep your funds.

Act quickly!

@iamdeadlyz Any update on why the balance is not reflecting ?

No update so far. I’ll reply here if there is one.

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