Missing funds after swap from bnb to doge

Swapped my bnb to doge so i could transfer it off of trust to another wallet. It was around 53 bnb to convert to around 48 dollars in doge.

Hit confirm and done.

The transaction just says its a smart contract and sent my bnb to a random bnb wallet and i have not recieved my doge its been hours. Whats going on here??



@Drdoses Please be patient as the swaps are not instant, I’d also advise you check the blockchain explorer to see if you received your DOGE or not.


Checked the explorer no doge in my wallets. Transaction just shows it was sent to another bnb wallet. Ill keep waiting just never had a swap on any different wallet that was not with in 30 minutes to an hour so have been concerned.


@Drdoses It’s mostly dependent on the 3rd party provider.


Okay so even though its shown complete for a few hours it may be held up somewhere im assuming. Ill wait on it. Ive just been reqding about smart contract call issues with bnb so have been concerned.

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I deposited Eth into my trust wallet, used the “pay from the exchange” (Binance) function and sent 0.0188 eth then why did only 0.0016 arrive all of a sudden???

@Nyxo Please there’s a fee that would be charged by the blockchain for transactions.
Also if you sent from Binance to Trust wallet, you should check their exchange to see the fees they charge.

Binance Fee was 0.0027 from 0.0173 how can i
receive only 0.0016 and Eth blockchain only 0.00037 eth trustwallet take a lot of my eth

here is my Transaction :

And in my history can I see I receive 0.0173 ??? How

@Nyxo You received the right amount.

no i Historie say i receive 0.0173 and in my Mobil wallet are nothig and in my PC Web wallet are only 0.0016 i havn´t receive my 0.0173 eth wtf

@Nyxo Please reimport your wallet, the amount shown on the blockchain explorer is correct.